Course 6 - Permissions
This may seem like a random string of characters, but strings like this give users all the information that users need to know about the privileges of certain files and directories. We can break this down:
Finally, what do r, w, and x stand for?
Privileges are changed using the chmod command (you may need to use sudo). We will teach you to ways to use this:
This format changes the permissions of myFile to rwx for users, rwx for group, and rwx for others. If you want to leave a permission out, you can add only the permissions you want (ex. u+rw). You can also subtract permissions (ex. u-rwx).
This may seem like a random string of characters, but strings like this give users all the information that users need to know about the privileges of certain files and directories. We can break this down:
Don’t worry if you think you have not grasped these commands yet. We will practice in the next activity.